Energy Boosters

August 21, 2012

It was pretty difficult getting up this morning.  My alarm went off at 5:30 and then again at 5:47 (random time, I know).  I eventually made my way downstairs to watch a few minutes of the news with Bry before coming back to bed to blog.  I opted for no coffee this morning, because I’ve been trying to get myself off of feeling like I NEED it to function properly.

Although I’ve been taking my B12 gummy vitamins, my energy level has been rather low lately.  I’m not sure whether it’s a result of not sleeping that well, but I’ve been doing a lot to boost my energy lately.

Spinach shakes

Case in point… I’ve been drinking more of my spinach protein shakes.  I shared with you my spinach protein shake recipe in the past and they always tend to give me a boost in energy, because of the abundance of nutrients!  In a placebo-controlled study, researchers found that following a marathon, runners receiving 1500 mg of vitamin C per day recovered normal cortisol levels more rapidly than those taking 500 mg or the placebo. Because pumping out cortisol stresses the adrenal glands, faster recovery means less fatigue.

Spinach Protein Shake

I even had to run to Whole Foods yesterday during my lunch break to pick up my favorite whey protein blend for my shakes.  I’ve tried some of the vegan powders and I just can’t get into the grainy texture.  Maybe one day it will grow on me, but not today. 

Whey Protein Powder


Exercise of any kind can increase energy levels even among those suffering from chronic medical conditions associated with fatigue, such as cancer and heart disease.  Although I can’t always get in a long run, since my calf injury (which feels much better BTW),  I’ve been trying to do at least a few miles everyday.  Just getting outside in the fresh air, wakes my body up and gets me energized.

Drinking more water

Drinking water is actually really good for you (shocking!).  Since water accounts for approximately 60% of your body weight, your organs and vital bodily systems need water to do their jobs.  When you’re dehydrated, your body systems can slow down a bit, making you feel extra sluggish.

I’m definitely not the spokesperson for drinking water, because I know I can drink a whole lot more.  However, I’ve been trying really hard to drink more water and less Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee during my work day. 

Getting more light

I’ve been trying more and more to leave work during my lunch breaks to get some sunlight.  Although my office is rather bright at times, other days it seems like everyone just shuts the blinds and we keep it dark.  A study published in 2006 found that brief exposure to a bright white light increased alertness and boosted brain responses.  This is partly due to the fact that melatonin can’t be produced when you’re in bright light.

Philadelphia Magazines's Be Well Philly

On an unrelated note, I was published on Philadelphia Magazine’s Be Well Philly website.  You can read about my must-haves for racing season


How have you been getting more energized lately?
Do you take walk breaks at work during the day?

Comments ▼

LOVE the spinach shakes … they help me SO much! So does exercising. If I have a rough night with my baby I know that hitting the gym in the morning helps give me a boost for the rest of the day. Thanks for sharing!

Hey Madeline, spinach shakes are amazing. I had one today with just grapes, vanilla protein powder, almond milk, orange juice, and ice. sort of tasted like a creamsicle!

Loved this! I’m also trying to get away from feeling like I need to have caffeine in the mornings to functions. I don’t like feeling dependant on it.

I’m so bad, because I’ve been having coffee almost every morning. HOWEVER… I have been limiting my afternoon iced coffee trips.

my green smoothies are a definite energy booster, as is water! I think learning to care for our bodies with everything we do helps to create consistent energy

Amanda, you’re so right. Once we start to care about what we put into our bodies, it will naturally be more energized. Thanks for commenting! I’ve been a reader of yours for a while!

Love these natural ways to boost energy! They work, way more effective and safe than caffeine.

Meredith, you’re right. Too much caffeine can be really dangerous. I know that if I have too much it definitely upsets my IBS. And thats no-good.

I don’t really have much opportunity to take walks during my work day, but I’m always up and moving around!

I also keep my classroom VERY bright… the shades are always open and it gets a ton of sunlight!

I love when rooms are bright and sunny. I actually wish I had an office so I could keep it as bright as I wanted.

These are good tips. I just have to get more sleep. I’ve barely been getting 6 hours a night and no amount of exercise, spinach or coffee can make up for that!

EEK. Yep, sleeps pretty important. Haha, I’m with you though.. if I don’t get enough sleep one night then everything feels “off” and nothing makes it better except for a nap later on in the day after work. thats how my friday was!

I’m lucky to have walking integrated into my job, but we don’t have any windows where I am, which is incredibly frustrating. Sleeping more, taking time during breaks to meditate, and reducing the duration of my workouts (but increasing the intensity while training) have definitely been helping me with my energy levels. 🙂

I NEEED to employ more walking breaks during my day.

part for the energy and part for my HAMSTRING 🙂