How To Make the Most Out of a 5K

June 9, 2012

As I’ve mentioned in yesterday’s post, I’m running the Strides for Stroke 5k in Philly on Sunday.  There are few things that I’ve learned as a new runner, in regards to how to make the most out of a 5K.  I’m not trying to push my advice on you, instead I’m just sharing what has worked for me.

  1. Put your clothes, gadgets, etc. out the night before.  I hate feeling unprepared for things, especially with an early race time.   The best way to relieve my anxiety is by setting out everything I’m going to need in the morning.  I also make sure a few days before that all of my clothes are clean, because that’s pretty important!
  2. Get a good night of sleep.  Without a good night of sleep, I’m terribly cranky.  I aim to get no less than 8 hours of sleep a night before a race, in order to really maximize my energy the next day.  One of my favorite ways to relax before bed is to read.  For some reason, I tend to get tired faster if I read a book than if I watch TV or browse the Internet.

    not my bed, but a really comfy one at a local hotel I stayed at last summer
  3. Prepare not only physically, but also mentally.  Of course, a training plan is essential for longer races, but preparing mentally is also important.  Racing can really take a toll on your emotions.  I remember my first 5K and feeling so overwhelmed and upset when runners faster than me ran past me.  The thing I try to keep remembering is that some of these people may have been running their whole lives.  There is no need to compare myself to people I don’t even know.  The race will be over before you know it, so enjoy the people, the scenery, and the run!
  4. Eat a routine breakfast.  I never eat a random breakfast that I’ve never had the morning of a run.  I tend to stick to whatever I’ve been eating during my training.  I have a sensitive stomach as is, so trying to eat a huge savory breakfast when I’ve been eating oatmeal only makes me sick.  My biggest tip is to stick to something that you know won’t upset your stomach and make you feel sluggish and weighed down.

    what I had for breakfast before my first race
  5. Get to the location early to pick up materials/stretch/find parking/use bathroom etc.  If the race has packet pickup the day of the race, make sure to get there a little early in case there are large crowds.  I like to have enough time to digest my breakfast, stretch, and use the bathroom.  Make sure you leave enough time in the morning to beat the crowds and have the best race possible!
or get there early to take pictures!

What are some of your tips for how to make the most out of a 5K?

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